
How to KEEP Your Home Safe for Halloween

Ghosts, witches, paw patrol, and clowns….oh, the clowns. Halloween is upon us, and you are probably trying to determine how to keep your home safe for Halloween. But keeping your home safe is just a matter of taking some simple steps to set your concerns aside.

Getting ready for this annual night of fun and treats takes more than just decorating your house and buying candy in bulk. Once you’ve carved your pumpkins and set up your displays, it’s time to start thinking about the safety measures you can take to keep your home and your family safe on Halloween.

Ben Buys Indy Houses wants to help you prepare yourself and your home for safety during your Halloween festivities.

How to KEEP Your Home Safe for Halloween

Preventing Burglaries
While you are focused on all the fun of Halloween, as well as you should be, you need to think about the other “ghouls and goblins” who might have other intentions on this night. Halloween night will see an increase in burglaries and thefts, so it’s important that you are aware of this and prepared. After all, criminals will only go for homes that are easy targets.

Burglaries and thefts don’t just occur during the trick-or-treat times either, in fact, most of the crimes take place later in the evening or early morning hours. Some simple steps you can take to prevent your home from being the next victim include:

  • Locking your doors and windows – even during trick-or-treat hours
  • Keeping your home well-lit – a well-lit home will deter criminal activity. Consider installing motion detectors, as they are a great deterrent
  • Consider installing an alarm system
  • Install security cameras at all entry points of your home
  • Keep easy-to-grab valuables hidden – like laptops, jewelry, etc. Some burglars will “scope” out your home during the trick-or-treat hours and come back when they think you aren’t home.
  • Be cautious when answering the door, especially as the trick-or-treat hours wind down

Safety for Your Visitors
Keeping your home safe also means keeping it safe for the influx of trick-or-treaters that will be bounding up your sidewalk asking that age-old question; “trick-or-treat?”. Let’s make sure that the question doesn’t end with a not-so-fun trick when someone gets injured on your property.

  • Keep your pathways clear of clutter, leaves, sticks, etc.
  • Make sure your porch railing is secure – if you can’t get your railings secured in time,
    consider sitting outside to prevent kids from having to climb the steps
  • Keep your pets inside – you may have the friendliest dog in the neighborhood, but when all the excitement and costumes come at them, their defenses may be on high alert
  • Light it up – make sure there’s enough light for your visitors to see

And while lighting candles may seem harmless, since you’ll be home, it may be a safer idea to use LED lighting or glow sticks in your decorations to prevent a fire hazard.

When Your Kids Are Trick-or-Treating
Keeping your own kids safe during trick-or-treating is probably the most important safety concern you have. Taking the necessary steps to make sure they have a fun-filled evening without any dangers will give you peace of mind and allow you to enjoy the evening festivities as well.

Be sure to accompany your children and make sure they know before you go out that they should always follow these simple rules:

  • Always stay together
  • Walk up to houses, don’t run
  • Be mindful of smaller children
  • Use sidewalks when possible
  • Never cut across yards
  • Never enter a stranger’s home or vehicle
  • Only cross the street at corners or crosswalks

Some safety measures parents can take should also include:

  • Always carry flashlights
  • Make sure your child’s costume has reflective materials or attach glow sticks
  • Be mindful of homes that have open flames in their pumpkins and decorations
  • Only trick-or-treat at homes that partake in the festivities. This is usually indicated by a porch light that is turned on
  • Stick to streets that are well-lit
  • Pedestrians should be mindful of traffic, drivers will have a difficult time keeping an eye out for all of the people walking
  • If you drive your kids around, drive slowly and be very cautious of the people walking
  • Don’t let the kids eat any candy until you inspect it

BenBuys.wpengine.com wants you and your family to enjoy your Halloween festivities. If you are not comfortable with taking your kids out to trick-or-treat in your neighborhood, find an event in your area that your children can attend without fear for their safety. Check your local community, churches, or recreation facilities for events near you.

And by all means, if you see anything suspicious or anyone acting out of the ordinary, which can be difficult to pinpoint on Halloween, contact your local police department immediately.

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