
What to Remember When Selling a House

No matter how well you plan, it is easy to forget some of the small details that help the sale of a house go smoothly. It can be difficult to keep in mind everything you need to remember when selling a house. Some tasks are minor and can be done later. But, others can be catastrophic if they are forgotten. Here are some important steps you must remember when selling a house.

Things to Remember When Selling a House

Organize Your Documents

As people look at your house as prospective buyers, they will undoubtedly have questions about it. The best way to be prepared for those questions is to have all of the documents that pertain to the house ready when people walk through. There is a good chance that real estate agents and lawyers may also have questions. So having the deed, mortgage papers, rental agreements, tax information, and utility bills someplace where you can access them in a moment is crucial.

Make Your House Neutral

If you painted your walls your favorite vibrant color or otherwise completely personalized your living space, give the house a neutral makeover before you put it on the market. When people walk through homes they hope to buy, they want to see themselves living in them. They cannot accomplish this goal if the decor is not to their liking. Having a neutral palette will allow prospective buyers to imagine how they would choose to decorate the walls. So, it goes a long way in helping speed up the sale of your home. Also, take down any family pictures and knickknacks that personalize the house. Doing so helps to further neutralize the area and opens up the prospective buyer’s mind to other decorating possibilities.

Make Small Fixes Around the House
There is a good chance that it’s not worth your time, effort, and money to make huge improvements and updates to your house before you sell it. But that should not stop you from making small fixes that will make the house look more appealing to prospective buyers. Remove scuff marks from walls, fill in holes made by push-pins, and fix any loose handles and fixtures you find in the house. These fixes will not take a lot of time to complete and will not cost you much, if any, money. But the payoff can be immense. The new homeowners will appreciate not having to go through the effort themselves. And it may even prompt someone on the fence about buying to take the plunge.

Appeal to the Five Senses

When prospective buyers walk through your house, they will be judging with more than their eyes. Create a completely welcoming atmosphere by appealing to all five of the senses. Play soft music in the background and consider baking some cookies that will add wonderful aromas throughout the house. Don’t forget to leave some complimentary beverages for the people looking through the house, too. If the weather is cold, freshly brewed coffee to go with the cookies is ideal. In the warmer months, offer chilled iced tea or lemonade. Also, always have a pitcher of ice water for those who do not care for your other options.

If you really want to make a good impression on prospective buyers, display some fresh plants, too. Not only are they visually appealing, but they also create a welcoming environment. Fresh flowers and a bowl of fruit in the kitchen both help to complete a welcoming aesthetic.

Stage the House

After you have lived in your home for years, it can easily start looking dated and tired without you even noticing it. But, people walking through your house with the hope of buying it will look at it with a much more critical eye. You can invigorate the space by staging it. Staging a house is simply making some strategic moves in the interior of the house. The goal is to make it more appealing to buyers. It can be simply rearranging furniture or strategically placing a mirror so that it gives the illusion of additional space. If you do not feel comfortable staging your house yourself, you can always hire a professional to do it for you.

If you do not have the time or inclination to make these small preparations, you can opt to sell your Indianapolis area home in “as-is” condition for cash. Ben Buys Indy Houses will give you a great offer for your house, and you can walk away without lifting a finger. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

What to Remember When Selling a House

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