
Everything You Need to Know About Buying a House With Cash

Hi, It’s Ben from BenBuysIndyHouses with an informative post today that will teach you everything you need to know about buying a house with cash. The truth is, there are a lot of houses on the market available at cash prices much cheaper than mortgages. As a result, consumers have caught on to this, and the rate for all-cash home sales in January 2017 was nearly 24 percent of the homes sold.

Use this guide to help lead you through the process of buying a home for cash.

Everything You Need to Know About Buying a House with Cash

The cash-home purchase process means the buyer does not take out any mortgage or loan for the value of the house. Therefore, this has some advantages as well as some stipulations you should be aware of. This YouTube Video goes over some of the advantages of conducting a cash-sale home purchase:

The process isn’t that different from purchasing a house with a mortgage. So, the only difference is that there is no bank involved in the process. If you find a house and decide that you want to make a cash offer, you must have an attorney draw up an offer. Additionally, you may need to go through the seller’s representative to make an official offer.

Buying a House with Cash

If they are planning on paying cash, sometimes buyers can get a better price on the home. This depends on how motivated and flexible the sellers are. The fact that the sale wouldn’t be contingent on bank approval is sometimes enough to entice the seller into negotiation. Always be sure to include any contingencies on your offer that you will need.

A contingency legally allows the buyer to walk away from the deal for reasons listed in the offer. A standard contingency is that the offer is only valid if the house passes inspection. Other common contingencies include a sale price close to the appraisal value or the allowance for repairs or replacements on noted defects in the home (within a reasonable expense range).

If your offer is filed and accepted, you will be required to place a percentage of the offer in an earnest money trust. Be sure to review the rules on this carefully. Sometimes no earnest money can be returned if the sale doesn’t happen. If the house doesn’t pass inspection, the buyer may be entitled to receive a refund. In either case, the earnest money should be applied to the offer once the sale is approved.

Home Inspection

Once this is done, it’s time to pay for a home inspection. It’s vital that you hire a licensed, professional inspection service. One of the differences between cash and mortgaged sales is in the instance of bank financing, an inspection is required. The bank has a vested interest in ensuring the money they lend will be put into the property.

Cash buyers don’t have a third party vested in protecting their own interests. Thus, they won’t be required to complete a home inspection. Therefore, cash home buyers should always have a house inspection; after all, you want to protect your money as much as a bank would want to protect theirs. Think very carefully about how much you want to make this deal if the seller won’t allow an inspection. If you want the house, but the inspection reveals expensive defects, you may be able to negotiate an even lower cash price for the home.

If the house passes inspection, you should pay for an appraisal of the property. For the same reasons a buyer would want to ensure there are no major defects in the home, a cash buyer should check the value of the home.

Lastly, a cash buyer should always check the tax records of the home and do a search at the local title office to ensure that the house is free and clear of all liens. A lien occurs when the owner defaults on a loan that has the house listed as collateral. If these are not paid, the buyer runs the risk of not being able to get an owner title.

With a mortgaged property, the bank will attend to these concerns. Thus, as a cash home buyer, you have to do the legwork to protect yourself.

Purchasing Your Home

If everything comes back clear, you’re ready to purchase your new home. The process is called closing. Cash purchases can be scheduled almost immediately after the paperwork has been completed. Buyers aren’t dependent on the lender to schedule a representative to assist. The closing process for cash buyers is essentially signing agreement paperwork to the terms of the sale. The acknowledgment of all the paperwork and providing a cashier’s check for the agreed price of the home are also needed.

It’s really just that easy. By following these steps, anyone can be a cash home buyer. In addition, they can avoid the repayment inflation that occurs through mortgage interest payments. Be sure to stop by my blog at BenBuysIndyHouses.com for more helpful tips on all your home buying or selling concerns.

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If you’re ready to sell your Indiana property, call Ben today and arrange an inspection ASAP.

Depending on the circumstances, you can get a cash offer in much less time than you might think.

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